Jaimie logan
Jaimie Logan Governor's Account Executive Dept. of Economic and Community Development

1. Maine State Business Answers and Help

Jaimie applies her 16+ years of leadership experience to help you set goals, develop marketing strategies, and better manage for growth. As a lawyer with training and expertise in the tourism and hospitality industries, she adds wide connections and great relationships across agencies and departments to move past obstacles so you can reach your goals, no matter the complexity of the problem.

“Everyone knows that part of the reason lobster prices are low is that there are not enough lobster processing plants in Maine. For the past year, I have been helping Kyle Murdock of Sea Hag Seafood open a new lobster processing plant in Tenants Harbor.

Working collaboratively with various DECD business and community development experts, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Labor, and others, we have helped Kyle acquire necessary permits and licenses, qualify for grants, tax credits, and other start-up assistance, and find and train workers.

This has brought 30+ new jobs—and an exciting, much-needed new business—to an area that really needs both. This is why I wake up every morning looking forward to going to work.”

Jaimie K. Logan
Governor's Account Executive
Dept. of Economic and Community Development
59 State House Station
111 Sewall Street, 3rd Floor
Augusta, ME 04330

Phone: 207-624-7485
Cellular: 207-215-0302
Email: jaimie.logan@maine.gov