Searsport recycles
Recycled Batteries

The Searsport Transfer Station is located on the Dump Road off the Back Searsport Rd.


Hours of operation are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 8 AM to 5 PM

CLOSED all municipal holidays

The Transfer Station only takes solid waste from Searsport residents. All vehicles entering the site must have a permit decal (available at the Town Office, to Searsport Residents Only, at a charge of $1.00).  The decal must be placed on the lower passenger side of the vehicle’s windshield 

Payment for solid waste may be made with a check or trash stickers at the Transfer Station. These stickers may be purchased at the Town Office or at Tozier’s Market on Main Street at the cost of $2.00 each. 30-gallon (or less) bags require 1 sticker or $2.00 each. Bags larger than 30 gallons require 2 stickers or are $4.00 each.

We now recycle  the following batteries

Nickel Metal Hydride (found in Cordless Power Tools, Cameras, Two-Way Radios)

Nickel Cadmium (found in Cordless Power Tools, Cameras, Two-Way Radios)

Lithium Ion (found in Cordless Power Tools, Cameras, Two-Way Radios) 

Small Sealed Lead Acid (found in Small Scooters, UPS computer back-ups)

Single Use (AA, AAA, 9 volt, D cells, button cells)

Cell Phones (with and without batteries)